Video: Ian Varley on how to start factoring with Cashway
by Cashway Web Team
June 9, 2020
by Cashway Web Team
June 9, 2020
Invoice factoring with Cashway Funding is a safe, effective and proven business financing tool that your trucking business can depend on over the long run.
All Cashway staff work exclusively in the factoring business. That means you are assured to receive specialized and dedicated freight factoring expertise every time you do business with us.
If we can't factor your invoices, you don't pay.
Cashway Funding is a direct funding source for your business. We are not a finance broker, trucking company, bank, data mining company, freight agent or marketing affiliate.
When you factor invoices with us, the funds you receive come directly from us and not from any other company or outside location. Your funding transactions are private, secure and protected by law.
All transactions are processed and funded in-house by the very same people you speak and conduct business with every day. Our offices are open to the public and Cashway factoring clients are always welcome to vist us in person.
We guarantee service quality of the very highest standard.
Cashway Funding is 100% independent. Factoring is our specialty and funding your business is our exclusive focus.
We are not a freight broker or carrier, dispatch service, fuel card company or insurance agency.
We will never solicit you to purchase additional services and we will not sell your information for marketing purposes.
We believe in helping local small businesses succeed all across America.
All Cashway Funding factoring accounts are professionally managed in-house at our Woodstock, GA headquarters by friendly factoring specialists that you know and trust. You can always speak with a live, knowledgable person and you can depend on us to listen to what you have to say.
We sincerely appreciate every Cashway factoring client and it is our pleasure to deliver the results you expect and deserve from us, every single day.